happy together: Mentally disturbed

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mentally disturbed

My Mum asked me go to a clinic institution after i told her i had sex with boy a few years ago.coz she was worried about my mental health.Yesterday i telephoned my mum,she just finished her operation-excision of whole gallbladder.She possibly heard something from my sister i guess that i stayed a man's place at least twice a week.But my mum didnt ask me if its true or not.Just told me that there is something she wanted to say but dont know how to say,she dont want to be embarrassed.Anyway what she said,i understand.I dont want to hurt her either.But i am going to lie.If she feel difficulty to talk about gay ,thats ok.I wont thrust something to her mind.

Everyone have dreams,that are not necessarily the dreams that our parents or society had for us.so,I must get rid of the idea of fulfilling what people expect us to do,and start to do what i ecpect from my lives.

Dare to be different.

I am unique,and i have to accept me as I am,instead of trying to repeat other people's destinies or patterns.

I have capacity to express my feelings.

From now on i wont fear to share my heart.

I am a free person.

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