happy together: Anxiety

Monday, June 30, 2008


We typically recognize anxiety as anger and known as fear,apprehension or worry.Anxiety is ofetn accompanied by physical sensations such as heart palpitation,nausea,cheast pain,shortness of breath,stomach aches,or headache.

Anxiety when meeting or interacting with unknown people is a common stage of development in young people.

So-called "stranger anxiety" in younger people is not a phobia in the classic sense; rather it is a developmentally appropriate fear by young children of those who do not share a loved-one, caretaker or parenting role. In adults, an excessive fear of other people is not a developmentally common stage; it is called social anxiety.

A more common social anxiety in adults, though, is the stress and anxiousness that occurs when one (of any age-group) fears he will be separated from a group or other emotionally close person/object. This is known as separation anxiety.

Note: I think i feel nervous those days.Have some beer,taking me out of situation for a while.

IELTS exams -I am coming.try 1,2,3.only!

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